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This site remains on line due to the support provided by House of Images

Find pictures of Coventry's history

The History Center at the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum holds a collection of images of the city. These images are part of the “Gateway to information about Coventry... its history... its people... its culture... its online casino []”; .... its industry. Many of the images in the collection are irreplaceable - digitization protects the originals from deterioration and allows users from around the world to view the collection online.
Some of the images in the collection have few details and we welcome any further information that you have - please use the form provided (click here). We would also be interested to hear about any images you may have that you think suitable for inclusion on the site.Find pictures of Coventry's history
The History Centre at the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum holds a collection of Images of the city. These images are part of The Gateway To Information on Coventry …its history… its people… Its culture; ….its industry. Many images in the collection are irreplaceable - digitising protects the originals from wear and tear and enables users all over the world to view the collection via the Internet.
Some of the images in the collection have few details and we welcome any further information that you have - please use the form provided (click here). We would also be interested to hear about any images you may have that you think suitable for inclusion on the site. Picture of a town


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